We all know that fruits and vegetables are the most important parts of a healthy diet. However, most of us do not consume enough of these foods. Studies in the US show that only 1 in 10 people consume enough vegetables and fruits. Although the situation is not that dire for our country, it is not difficult to guess that most of us consume fewer vegetables and fruits than they should be.
Eating small amounts of vegetables and fruits can cause more than one and serious damage to your health. If you are wondering how your health can be negatively affected by not eating enough fruits and vegetables, you can continue reading the information below.
Your weight may increase
Not eating enough fruits and vegetables is one of the main reasons for losing weight. It is very likely that these people will see their weight increase over the years.
There are several reasons behind this. The first reason is that when you eat more fruits and vegetables, there is less room for other potentially unhealthy foods in your diet.
Another reason is that fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and water and low in calories, which makes you feel full for longer with fewer calories.
Fiber also helps reduce the number of calories you consume from food by binding to fats and other calorie-bearing nutrients in your digestive system.
Recommended daily intake of vegetables is 5-6 servings and the amount of fruit is 2-3 portions. Studies show that consuming the recommended amount of vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of being overweight and makes it easier to lose weight.
Your Intestines Can Become Unhealthy
The key to good health is healthy guts.
The growing number and types of beneficial bacteria in your gut are crucial to keeping your immune system healthy. Fibrous foods are the main protectors of the intestines in this respect.
Fiber, a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods such as vegetables and fruits, helps beneficial gut bacteria proliferate.
It is possible to relieve diarrhea and constipation thanks to fibrous vegetables and fruits. Fibrous foods help to prevent diarrhea by slowing down the gastrointestinal transit process and to relieve constipation by stimulating gastrointestinal motility.
Constipation is especially important for women because estrogen can build up. Excess estrogen can cause a more painful and bleeding menstrual period, bringing along stalk problems such as iron deficiency. Too much estrogen can increase your risk of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Fibers in vegetables and fruits can also strengthen your colon lining, reducing your risk of colon cancer.
Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes May Increase
Type 2 diabetes development occurs over time. If you don't consume enough vegetables and fruits, your risk of diabetes may increase over time.
First of all, eating more fruits and vegetables helps reduce your weight, which in turn reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Also, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar.
When you eat enough vegetables and fruits, you consume less of other foods high in added sugar that are not good for your blood sugar, which will lower your risk of diabetes.
Your Heart Health Can Be Badly Affected
The number one cause of death worldwide is heart disease.
There are many factors for heart disease. These factors include age, genetics, diet, and lifestyle. We cannot change some of these, but we can change our diet in a way that protects our hearts.
Many studies have shown that diets rich in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.
Fruits and vegetables contain special nutrients called phytochemicals that help reduce inflammation in the body in general.
On the other hand, foods high in sodium, processed foods, and added sugars increase inflammation in the body. Fruits and vegetables help counteract this chronic inflammation and prevent heart disease.
A diet high in fruits and vegetables lowers blood pressure. When your risk of high blood pressure decreases, your risk of heart disease will also decrease.
It Can Damage Your Skin
In addition to applying care products to protect and beautify your skin, you should nourish your skin from the inside out.
Studies have shown that various skin health problems increase in people who have a poor diet from vegetables and fruits.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is important for the formation of collagen in the skin. Getting enough vitamin C helps protect the skin from ultraviolet (UV) damage.
Getting enough C is especially important as you get older, as aging causes the natural decrease of the vitamin in your skin.
Also, vitamin A and water are actively involved in keeping the skin young. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C and contain high amounts of water. Thus, by eating vegetables and fruits, you will nourish and protect your skin from the inside.
Your Immune System May Not Be Strong Enough
When you do not eat lots of fruits and vegetables, your immune system is negatively affected. Because the best sources of vitamin C and fiber that protect your immune system are vegetables and fruits.
There are studies showing that high soluble fiber intake is associated with a stronger immune system. In addition, the fiber in foods feeds beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that support your immune system, helping you fight inflammation, boosting immunity, and improving overall health.