Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant in the body to fight free radical production and cell damage. As a result, vitamin A deficiency can cause several problems.

 Vitamin A deficiency can lead to health problems. Vitamin A falls into the category of fat-soluble vitamins. In other words, it is dissolved in fat and requires a minimum amount of fat tissue to be stored in the body.

Vitamin A in the human body is involved in the development of vision and performs several essential functions to ensure vision health . On the one hand, it also acts as an antioxidant. Regular consumption reduces the risk of developing complex diseases in the medium to long term, as detailed in an article published in the journal Nutrients .

Risks of vitamin A deficiency

The good news is that it's a very common micronutrient in your regular diet . Red or orange foods usually contain them. So, if you eat vegetables regularly, your body is well-supplied with this vitamin.

Nevertheless, you may still have a vitamin A deficiency . This can happen in people who do not have an ultra-low fat diet or a variety of diets.

What are the consequences of deficiency? Let's take a closer look in this article.

Association between vitamin A deficiency and neurodegenerative disease

Vitamin A plays a neuroprotective role. For this reason, a lack of vitamin A is associated with a high incidence of elderly-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease .

This micronutrient deficiency is associated with high production of beta-amyloid, a compound associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases, as evidenced in a paper published in 2017 .

Antioxidants reduce the risk of age-related diseases . Vitamin A is no exception in this regard.

Vision problems with vitamin A deficiency

One of the earliest warning signs of a vitamin A deficiency is vision health problems. The most common is night blindness , which has difficulty adjusting to the darkness.

The most severe cases of vitamin A deficiency can result in eye injury . However, this is rare.

It is more common to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders due to a lack of this vitamin. For example, diarrhea is a common symptom in individuals suffering from these dietary problems.

Lung health effects

Smokers or patients with obstructive pulmonary disease are more susceptible to vitamin A deficiency. Low levels of this nutrient may increase cancer risk for this type of people .

For this reason, you may want to consider taking a supplement in some cases. However, it is generally best to take this vitamin naturally through a variety of diets.

Foods that contain vitamin A

Red and orange foods generally provide beta carotene and vitamin A. Therefore, it is important to regularly include these foods in your diet .

Milk, butter and cheese are also sources of this nutrient. Some colored fruits, such as apricots and mangoes, also contain high amounts of this vitamin.

In fact, following a varied diet rich in vegetables seldom suffers from this micronutrient deficiency .

Level management to prevent vitamin A deficiency

Keeping your vitamin A levels in the right range can help reduce your risk of developing disease in the medium to long term The first symptom of this deficiency is gastrointestinal and visual health.

However , over time it may be associated with changes in neurological health and an increased risk of cancer or lung disease.

In general, it is better not to take vitamin A supplements. Indeed, studies have shown that the supplement has no benefit to healthy patients with healthy eating habits. This method only works for people who smoke or have obstructive pulmonary disease.

In any case, it is recommended to include red-lined plants in your diet to minimize the risk of deficiency . Dairy products are also a source of this vitamin.

In addition, due to its antioxidant properties, this vitamin helps prevent aging and cell damage. For all these reasons, make sure to include them in your diet.